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Messages - Corey Cooper

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 414
Help Me / Re: Indivdual stats on players in season
« on: February 23, 2024, 11:52:02 PM »
The Stats tab will show the full stats of all of the players that match your stats profile.  When you say you want "one players complete stats", what do you mean?  Are you trying to view them on the Stats tab?  Are you trying to export them? 

Help Me / Re: How to edit borders?
« on: February 22, 2024, 09:13:09 AM »
Actually, I basically copied the border tool in Excel, so it's exactly like a spreadsheet border tool.

Help Me / Re: How to edit borders?
« on: February 17, 2024, 11:02:05 AM »
Open the Border window.  Set the size of border you want in the Size field.  Set the type of border you want: Solid, Dotted, Dashed, etc.  Select the color of border.  Once you've selected the border attributes, click on one of the five border buttons to apply those attributes to that particular border (or all of the borders at once if you click the corner button).  Those are toggle buttons.  If there's no border on that side, a border will be added using the properties you've selected.  If there is already a border on that side but with different properties, your selected properties will be applied, overriding the existing border.  If there is already a border on that side with the same properties, the border will be removed.  Once you've decided on your borders, press OK.

Help Me / Re: How to edit borders?
« on: February 15, 2024, 03:05:36 PM »
Ahh, OK.  I see now.  Now the next task is to figure out why I was NOT seeing it, but it's likely because I was using border sizes greater than 1.

I have not bought a license yet.  Could that be part of it?

No, evaluation mode is not crippled in any way.

To avoid this issue, you may need to increase your border size.  You may notice that on some borders, a size of 2 will actually render with a size of 1.  More specifically, some borders will render at 1 pixel size smaller than specified.  Explanation below.

Regarding the values not "sticking".  The border Size input does not represent the value of the border size, because it can't, as there are 4 borders and only 1 input, and the borders may all be a different size.  It is there to assign a size to a border, along with type and color.  When you open the Border window, the Size field defaults to the size of the first side that has a border, starting with top, then right, bottom, and left.  So if your top border size is 3, when you open the Border window the Size field will be preset to 3.  If your top border size is 0 (no border) and your right border size is 2, when you open the Border window the Size field will be preset to 2.  If no sides have borders, Size will default to 1.  You should be able to see from the illustration that your border sizes were retained, but the Size input will set to a value previously described.

So why do some borders render a pixel smaller?  Technically they don't, they render the correct size, but some of the background color of the cell may render a little over the border making the border look smaller.  The reason for this is a bug in Chromium.  When I modernized the TD (version 3.7) I was able to finally ditch Internet Explorer as the rendering engine and moved to Electron, which uses Chromium as its rendering engine.  Chromium is the rendering engine used in Google's Chrome browser (as well as others, such as Microsoft's Edge browser).  This was a huge leap forward and long overdue, and allows one to create much more modern layouts, using all the great stuff that has been added to HTML and CSS specifications over the years.  This also required a LOT of tweaking of TD code and rendering to keep it somewhat backwards compatible.  I did the best I could and for the most part layouts that worked in previous versions still look the same or similar in version 3.7.  While doing this, I discovered a rendering bug in Chromium.  Part of the rendering of a layout uses scaling, and in IE the only way to scale was to use the CSS "zoom" attribute.  This is a non-standard, Internet Explorer only feature, although other browsers did adopt it unofficially (it works in Chrome and Firefox, for example).  But being non-standard, it could go away at any time, and there are better ways to do it in modern browsers, and better often means it will render more accurately and faster, making the TD more efficient and run faster.  So I moved from using zoom to using modern CSS attributes to achieve the same effect.  This is where I discovered the bug.  Here's a rendering I made when working on a way around this bug that illustrates the issue:

On the left is the "Regular size" of a rendering of 6 elements, arranged in a grid, using 3 different ways to layout elements.  The second column is the same but scaled a little smaller using the "correct" way to scale it.  Tiny but noticeable lines appear between the elements.  That's the bug.  The third column is using the "old" way (zoom).  It looks fine, but again this is the old way and isn't as efficient and could go away at any time.  The final column is the same as the 2nd, the "correct" way, but with a workaround I applied.  The workaround is to shadow the background a little around some edges in order to "paint" over the lines that appear due to the bug.  It works, but the side effect is it can paint over a little of the border.  At the time I figured this was a worthwhile tradeoff, because surely Google would fix this bug soon.  Alas they have not.  But the workaround to the workaround is usually to just increase the border size where you see an issue.

I hope this helps workaround what has probably been a frustrating issue.

Help Me / Re: How to edit borders?
« on: February 13, 2024, 11:41:58 PM »
Oh man, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave you hanging like that.  But to be honest, I'm just not sure what to tell you.  I can't reproduce what you are seeing.  And there's basically never been an instance of a border simply not working.  That is to say I can't recall a single bug report regarding the borders.  Especially not multiple bugs, such as borders not showing up, changes reverting automatically.  I've tried everything I can to make the borders not work, but they continue to work as expected.

Maybe save your layout and attach to a post or send to and I'll take a closer look.

Help Me / Re: How to edit borders?
« on: February 07, 2024, 02:34:20 PM »
Make sure you are updating the correct Property Set:

Only one property set is used to display the cell at any given time, based on tournament conditions.  If you're editing a layout and you don't have a tournament currently running (not yet started), it will be round 1 and you should be editing the Default property set in any given cell to see the changes.  Likewise, don't forget to make similar changes to the other property sets, so your changes will be seen on even-numbered rounds, during breaks, etc.

Help Me / Re: How to edit borders?
« on: February 07, 2024, 11:11:43 AM »
I try to hide a cell that has a border and put a border on the one above but nothing sticks.  I even try to edit the border on the one I am trying to hid and the changes do not stick.  The only place I can find "Override all borders" it is not checked.  And checking it just makes them all disappear.  How can I get border controls to actually work?

What do you mean "nothing sticks"?

I can change borders just by editing a cell and changing the border properties.

Help Me / Re: Custom Game Name
« on: February 06, 2024, 10:34:19 AM »
Actually that points to it being possibly flawed, in a usability kind of way.  Might be better to be a traditional drop down with something like a [ + ] button next to it to add your own values.

Help Me / Re: Custom Game Name
« on: February 05, 2024, 07:40:07 PM »
The Game Name field is what is known as a "combo box".  It's a combination drop-down input and a regular (text) input.  So you can select from the pre-defined list, or simply type your own Game Name.

It doesn't "remember" those additional fields you add.  Basically any time you select from the Game Name drop-down list, it is populated with the default values (a dozen or so values) plus any custom values that are currently in your rounds.

Help Me / Re: Points for playing need formula pls
« on: January 23, 2024, 10:24:47 PM »
(position * 2) + (nh * 0.5) + if(r < 4, 3)

Help Me / Re: Player Image not saving
« on: January 22, 2024, 04:08:46 PM »
Perhaps it's the image itself.  Are there other images you were able to successfully set for a player?  Can you attach an image file that you can't seem to set for a player?

Help Me / Re: Player Image not saving
« on: January 19, 2024, 07:43:38 PM »
What do you mean by "I am having trouble with Player images saving."?

Is there an error?  If so, what does it say?  Do player images seem to get "set" but then when you exit and restart the application they are gone?

Are you trying to set the image for a player in your player database or one that is in a tournament but not in the player database?

Any chance for a quick update to TD where you implement previsbreak, previsround etc (or for however many functions you have that are of form "nextis***"?    :D

It's been noted, I'll have to see about the "right" way to do it and if it's feasible to get it into the next minor update.  The issue being once a variable or token is added, it basically is there forever, so I'd prefer to get it right if possible.

I definitely get the use case.  Which is why when I first read your post I struggled to understand why I couldn't come up with a way to make it work ... it seems obvious someone would want to do this.  You definitely don't want to tie it directly to your rounds schedule if you can help it.  That will work fine but will be painful if you make changes to the schedule.

But your workaround actually makes sense.  Trigger "The clock ticks" with Conditions isBreak and nextIsRound and secondsLeft=15, and play your "play resumes" sound.  I would just suggest adding 1 or 2 seconds to the actual length of the sound to ensure no overlap, as timings are not *exact* in the TD (subject to the way the event loop works in Javascript, combined with screen updates could make the timing off).

Unfortunately no, there is no "previousIsBreak" nor any workaround.  Seems like there should be a way to trigger on that condition, but I can't think of any.  Seems reasonable to add a way to query for this.  I'll add a to-do item.

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