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Messages - Corey Cooper

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 414
Help Me / Re: Bonus chips
« on: April 13, 2024, 06:50:01 PM »
You could do that, if your only concern was to make sure the chip count was correct.  But a better way to do it is to adjust a player's chips received when they buy-in.  Unless you're using Simple Mode, you can adjust any of the values that make up a transaction.  Meaning, if for example players receive 5000 in chips for buying in, you can adjust this amount for any individual buy-in when you buy players in.  So when you buy-in players who are "on time", you could adjust the chips they receive, say for example add 500 for a total of 5500.  You do this in the Buy-in window (not on the Game tab of the Settings window).  Once everyone who was on-time have bought-in, you continue to conduct buy-ins but you just don't adjust the Chips value.

An even better solution is to create buy-in profiles.  It makes it a little easier to deal with, and is more efficient and less error-prone, especially when you may change multiple values.  Say for example you not only awarded additional chips for players who arrive on-time but you also gave them points.  By using profiles, you simply select the correct profile for the player buying in and the software will set the correct values.

My favorite example is similar.  Let's say you give extra chips to players who arrive early, and you also penalize players who arrive late by giving them fewer chips.  You can create 3 profiles: "Early arrivers", "On-time players", and "Late arrivers".  Then when buying players in, you just select which of the categories they fit into.

To do this, press the "+" button next to Buy-in on the Game tab:

Give the profile a name, like "Early arrivers".  You'll see a new profile added to the list of profiles (if you haven't done this before you probably didn't even know it was a list):

Fill out the values for "Early arrivers" appropriately.  The new profile's values will be copied from the master profile, so if you set the values for the master profile for your "on time" players first you'll only have to change the "Chips received" in the "Early arrivers".  Otherwise, make sure you set all the values appropriately.

Repeat this for "Late arrivers".  Now you have all 3 profiles.  If you want, you can rename "Master" to something else, like "On-time players".  To do that, press the "Gear" button, select the "Master" profile and press the Rename button:

Now when you buy-in players, just select the appropriate profile and all values will update:

General Discussion / Re: Different buy-ins
« on: April 03, 2024, 11:22:38 PM »
Ah, you're using "Simple Mode".  In Simple Mode the application doesn't track each player individually, it just keeps track of the number of players: the number of players who have bought-in, the number of players who have added-on, the number of players who have busted out, etc.  Therefore each player must have the same buy-in fee, the same add-on fee, etc, because the application doesn't keep track of each player's buy-in fee, or add-on fee, etc.  My suggestion only applies when you are tracking players, not Simple Mode.

Help Me / Re: Clock stopps
« on: April 03, 2024, 11:11:18 PM »
What version of the Tournament Director are you using?  When the clock stops running, are you able to still open the Settings window and navigate it (change tabs, etc)?  If so, does the clock continue to run on the Controls tab?

Help Me / Re: Layout settings
« on: April 03, 2024, 11:09:46 PM »
Sorry for the late response.  I think what you are referring to is the default layout and how it changes from blue to green on alternating rounds.  You can do one of two things to change this: (a) edit each cell and delete the "Even Rounds" Property Sets; or (b) use the "Default - Fixed" layout instead.  The "Default - Fixed" layout has the Even Rounds property sets already removed, but it is unfortunately still designed for a 4x3 screen.  It should work, but you may have to make adjustments to make it fit your 16x9 display.

Templates, Layouts and Sounds / Re: Clock-Help
« on: March 13, 2024, 06:05:09 AM »
Not really "fix" it, but work around it.  You'll need to set a size (width) on either the clock cell itself, or put the clock in a container with a fixed size.  For example, it looks like the clock "half" of the image is about 370 pixels.  You could set the width of the clock cell to 370, or change the contents of the clock cell to something like this:

<div style="width: 370px; overflow: hidden"><clock></div>

That should keep it a fixed size no matter its contents.

Templates, Layouts and Sounds / Re: Clock-Help
« on: March 11, 2024, 01:40:52 PM »
I see.  So, leave the preference "off" and you'll need to modify the Blinds cell.  Your Blinds cell is different from the default, but it will still be something like this.  You just need to add the abbreviateChips attribute:

Blinds<br><smallBlind abbreviateChips="true"> / <bigBlind abbreviateChips="true">

Templates, Layouts and Sounds / Re: Clock-Help
« on: March 10, 2024, 03:32:42 PM »
Preferences tab -> Currency / Numbers category:

Templates, Layouts and Sounds / Re: Clock-Help
« on: March 03, 2024, 10:14:40 PM »
Yes, take a look at the default layout.  It's basically done by having two property sets for the cell that displays the ante.  One property set displays the ante (usually the Default property set), the other property set is identical but doesn't display the ante.  The property set that doesn't display the ante has conditions: "Ante is non-zero": "No".  Double-negative, but basically it means use this property set when ante is zero.  When the ante is non-zero, it will skip that property set and use the Default property set.

Help Me / Re: Busted Player
« on: March 03, 2024, 09:50:35 PM »
Same steps as I previously posted.  Just edit the message:

The bounty on <name> has been claimed by <hitman>

Help Me / Re: Player Image not saving
« on: March 02, 2024, 11:53:22 PM »
Thanks for the follow-up.  That's good information to know.  Google shows a number of results for SyncTool.  Which one are you using?  Might help me to identify issues (or maybed correct them?) in the future.

Help Me / Re: Busted Player
« on: March 02, 2024, 11:50:55 PM »
On the Events tab:
- Press New Event button
- Select Choose a pre-defined event
- Select Player busts out
- Press OK
- Press OK

Help Me / Re: Dr. Neau Formula in Tournament Director
« on: March 01, 2024, 12:33:45 PM »
The "Test Range" window is a little wonky.  Like a lot of features, it was originally intended to showcase a single specific use case, but then was modified to make it more flexible.  Often that results in something being a little more complicated to use, sometimes not.  The idea of the Test Range window was originally to show the points a player would earn for each possible rank, 1 through n (n being the number of players in your tournament), for your formula.  But then it seemed logical that one might want to see how the points change when other factors change (instead of rank), so it evolved to a tool that allows you to see the points computed while one variable changes from one value to another at a certain rate.

What ends up making this window confusing, however, is that many formulas, even the simpler ones, have other variables involved that must be set in the Points for Playing window first, else you will not get the results you are looking for.  For example, here is the Test Range window testing the simple formula n-r+1:

I've set it to display the results of the formula for ranks 1 through 10.  But the results don't look right.  First place only gets 2 points, and the points start going negative at 4th place?  The reason is that n (number of buyins) was set to 2 in the Points for Playing window.  So to get the right results, I need to close the Test Range window, change the value of the buyins variable, then try the Test Range again.  I changed buyins to 10 and then opened the Test Range window again:

Much better.

Help Me / Re: Player Image not saving
« on: March 01, 2024, 10:50:13 AM »
Player images are imported and stored in your player database.  You'll need to get those images onto the laptop.  I would recommend backing up the database on the PC and restoring it on the laptop.  You can find the Backup and Restore features on the Database tab.

Help Me / Re: How to edit borders?
« on: March 01, 2024, 10:46:09 AM »
I'm using Excel 2019, which is admittedly a little out of date, but aside from some small differences the features work identically.  Excel doesn't have a size, but they both have styles with Excel having a few more styles than the TD.  But the behavior is the same.  Select a style and color, then press whatever border side you wish to apply it to.  It will change the border to that style and color, unless the border is already that style and color, in which case it will remove the border.  Make your changes so that the border in the preview section looks like you want it, press OK, it is applied.

Help Me / Re: Dr. Neau Formula in Tournament Director
« on: February 27, 2024, 08:10:23 PM »
You've already got the equivalent TD variables, you just need to replace them in the formula:

SQRT (buyins * defaultBuyinFee * defaultBuyinFee / totalCost) / (rank + 1.0)

If the issue is you are trying this formula in the Points for Playing Formula window and you are getting an error when you press the Test button, it's probably because you haven't given the variables any values.  During the course of the tournament, all of the variables will have a value, but of course when testing they only have a value if you provide one.

For example, a player in the tournament will have a total cost.  It won't be zero (well, it could be zero, but only if your player didn't pay anything at all to play in the tournament).  But if you don't provide a value in the Points for Playing window and try to test the formula, then the formula will be attempting to divide by the total cost, which is zero, which results in an error because you cannot divide by zero.  Just find the "totalCost" variable and give it a sample (non-zero) value, then press Test again.

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