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Main => Help Me => Topic started by: bygood on July 03, 2014, 02:08:35 AM

Title: classement général
Post by: bygood on July 03, 2014, 02:08:35 AM

je fais parti d'un club de poker et je m'occupe des classements.
notre championnat se compose de 14 manches et le classement général prend en compte les 10 meilleurs manches.

existe t-il une formule pour célà ? et ou mettre cette formule ?

a ajouter au 10 meilleurs manches du classement général, j'ajoute des points pris sur des parties en Sit and Go. Peut-on les ajouter au classement ? et ou ?

aider moi !

D'avance merci.

Title: Re: classement général
Post by: Corey Cooper on July 04, 2014, 12:06:08 PM
hello there,

I am part of a poker club and I take care rankings.
Our league consists of 14 innings and the general classification takes into account the top 10 rounds.

is there a formula for this? and or put this formula?

add a sleeveless top 10 overall, I add points taken on parts in Sit and Go Can we add to the top? and where?

help me!

In advance thank you.

Best regards.

The formula is whatever you want it to be.  How do you award points to your players today?
Title: Re: classement général
Post by: bygood on July 05, 2014, 10:40:59 AM
Voila notre formule pour le classement

Title: Re: classement général
Post by: bygood on July 07, 2014, 02:28:20 PM
aider moi  ???
Title: Re: classement général
Post by: Corey Cooper on July 07, 2014, 02:40:40 PM
Yikes, that's a serious formula.  Looks like it's already in TD format.  I guess I'm not sure what it is you are asking for.  Are you looking for a formula to rank players over a series of tournaments?  That is, are you looking for a "stats" formula?
Title: Re: classement général
Post by: bygood on July 11, 2014, 07:43:48 AM
est ce que TD peut prendre les 10 meilleurs parties d'un championnat sur 14 parties ? si oui, comment on fait ?
Title: Re: classement général
Post by: Corey Cooper on July 14, 2014, 10:56:35 PM
On the Stats tab, create a new Stats Profile.  For the Tournament Score formula, enter:


For the Overall Score formula, enter:

sum(top(10, scores))
Title: Re: classement général
Post by: bygood on September 07, 2014, 02:40:34 AM

existe t-il une formule qui prend en compte les 10 meilleurs scores sur 14 parties et rajouter une partie avec un score fixe ?

Title: Re: classement général
Post by: Corey Cooper on September 07, 2014, 01:30:39 PM
The formula I previously mentioned will take the 10 best of 14 (or any number of total tournaments).  What are you wanting to add?
Title: Re: classement général
Post by: bygood on September 07, 2014, 02:17:18 PM
oui. on prend les 10 meilleurs parties sur 14 mzis il y a une 15 partie a prendre en compte obligatoirement. ca serait quoi la formule ?
Title: Re: classement général
Post by: Asegzamfire on September 11, 2014, 10:26:55 PM
What he need is a formula that take into account 15 tournaments but only the best 10 are taken into account.

He also want to add to that top 10 best scores of each players, points made from Sit&Go they played.  Is it possible to do that? if so how?

That is his main question. Hope the translation help you!

Salut bygood, j'ai traduit ta demande, car je sais que Corey ne comprend pas le français. Il a probablement essayer d'utiliser un traducteur comme Google mais dans des cas technique ça ne ce traduit pas toujours bien.

Je vais traduire entre vous deux si ça peut aider, ça va me faire plaisir.
Title: Re: classement général
Post by: Corey Cooper on September 12, 2014, 11:29:27 PM
The formula sum(top(10, scores)) will sum up the scores from the highest 10 scores a player has made (that is, from all of the tournaments in which they've played).  To add additional points from outside of the Tournament Director application becomes a little more difficult.  Is that what you are trying to do?
Title: Re: classement général
Post by: bygood on September 21, 2014, 02:35:30 AM
The formula sum(top(10, scores)) will sum up the scores from the highest 10 scores a player has made (that is, from all of the tournaments in which they've played).  To add additional points from outside of the Tournament Director application becomes a little more difficult.  Is that what you are trying to do?

oui c'est ça !
Title: Re: classement général
Post by: Corey Cooper on September 22, 2014, 05:53:03 PM
There's really no straightforward way to include points from an outside source.  I would recommend creating a "fake" tournament and adding the points that way.  It's a completely manual process, but this should allow points from an external source to show up in your stats:

1) Create a new tournament.  Add 2 players to the tournament (non-database players; just create brand new players on the Players tab and DON'T add them to your database).
2) Start the tournament and have one of the players bust the other out.  The tournament is now over.
3) Add to the tournament (from your database) all of the players to which you will be adding points, but DON'T buy them into the tournament.
4) Edit each of those players and in the "Points" section, set the number of points you wish to add for that player in the "Points adjustment" field
5) When you've done this for all players, save the tournament

Now when you run statistics, this tournament should be included (if I remember correctly).  Since the actual players in the tournament are not in your database, and the players who ARE in your database are not actually bought into the tournament, no one's statistics should be altered.  However, the Points adjustment WILL be included in the statistics calculations (you don't have to be bought-in to have those included; this was done to allow penalizing players who don't show up for a tournament in which they pre-registered or pre-affirmed).

I hope this does what you are looking for.