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sync database and stats

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Hey Corey  :)

Me and a friend want to host 2 different tourneys at the same time, will we be able to sync the database and stats from 2 different computers if we buy a second license?

Corey Cooper:
Depends on what you mean by "sync".  If you simply want to be able to compute stats from both tournaments on one of the PCs, then definitely yes.

Assuming all players (from both tournaments) are in your player database, it's easy.  Just copy the tournament to your PC and run stats.

If your friend's tournament may have players not in your database, copy the tournament to your PC, load the tournament, then go to the Players tab and press the Database button.  Then press the "Add to database players in your current tournament" button.  Then you should be able to run stats and include everyone.

If you want to keep player details (phone number, email address, etc) in sync, that's a lot more difficult.  But the most important information on a player is their unique ID, which allows the TD to correlate players across tournaments.  And the unique ID is stored in the tournament file as well as the database.  So you can effectively "sync" players just using a saved tournament file.

awesome, that sounds easy :)
i assume we have to buy a second license for his pc?

Corey Cooper:
Sharing licenses is not allowed, so sounds like yes.

I have a similar question about synching two laptops that run TournamentDirector. Google Backup and Sync lets me sync folders between two computers.. I'd like to use that to keep two instances of TournamentDirector in sync. The idea is that whatever I put in a designated local folder gets uploaded to Google Drive, and when I open a second laptop, those changes are downloaded to the second laptop.

Currently I have set the Data Store location to that sync folder.

Unfortunately, even though the Data Stores dialog says that the data store contains the player database, saved tournaments, templates, images... it seems like when I add players on one laptop, save and close, wait for files to sync up to Google Drive, open the second laptop, wait for files to sync down, and open TournamentDirector, the players added on one laptop do not appear on the other.

Am I doing this right in theory? Is there anything else that needs to by synched between instances? I don't want to export/import the player database each time, though that does seem to work; it just has to be done manually each time.


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