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Messages - Corey Cooper

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Help Me / Re: Calculating and showing average big bets
« on: July 17, 2023, 01:46:33 PM »
Here you go:

<expression text="chipCount / playersLeft / limit7">

The only minor drawback is this will show "Error" if there are no players in your tournament or the limit7 value is zero (division by zero is an error).

It looks fantastic!!

Help Me / Re: Points Formula Help
« on: June 27, 2023, 11:55:22 PM »
Hey!  Welcome.  Sorry, I was gone this weekend and am trying to catch up.

You can certainly accomplish this with a mixed approach of part of it in the Points for Playing formula and part of it awarded by using the Automatic Prizes.  Kudos for going right at the Automatic Prizes and figuring them out.  They're a little more complicated than most people want to deal with.

The awarding of 3 points to the first 3 players eliminated is actually a pretty simple formula:

if(position < 4, 3, position)

The position variable is basically the same as n - r + 1, or the inverse rank.  The above basically says if the player's position is 1, 2 or 3, then give them 3 points, otherwise give them the same points as their position.

So I suppose if you have the other parts already setup in your Automatic Prizes, you can just set the above formula in the Points for Playing and you'll be good.  If you'd prefer to not use the Automatic Prizes for the points part (it still seems relevant to use Automatic Prizes if the prizes you're awarding will change based on tournament size), you can just use the following formula instead.  Awarding points for differing tournament sizes is not hard, but gets more complex.

if(position < 4, 3, position) + if(n > 19 and r < 6, 6 - r) + if(n > 14 and n < 20 and r < 5, 5 - r) + if(n > 8 and n < 15 and r < 4, 4 - r) + if(n > 4 and n < 9 and r < 3, 3 - r)

Slightly shorter but perhaps more complicated:

if(position < 4, 3, position) + if(n > 19 and r < 6, 6 - r, if(n > 14 and r < 5, 5 - r, if(n > 8 and r < 4, 4 - r, if(n > 4 and r < 3, 3 - r))))

You can manually add points by "adjusting" the player's point balance.  On the Players tab, double-click a player to edit.  Then scroll down to the Points section and you'll find a Points adjustment field.  You can put a positive or negative value here.  Set it to 100 to add 100 points to the player's points total.

You can also create a prize for this.  Set the prize Recipient to Manual.  Give it a Name, set the Amount to 0, and set the Points to 100.  Then in the Override section, check the box next to Award to player and select the prize winner.  Just create a new prize for every 7-2 pot win.

Suggestions / Re: Error in search
« on: June 08, 2023, 11:07:25 AM »
Press Ctrl+F to "Find".  On the Players, Database, and Stats tab this will show/reveal the search field and focus it.  There is an X button on the right to close it.  On player windows (Add Players to Tournament, Buy-in Players, etc) Ctrl+F will toggle the Find feature (shows and hides it).

The Name Format button is on the Preferences tab:

Strict Searching is also on the Preferences tab, in the Behavior category:

With Strict Searching enabled, each word you type in the Find field must be present somewhere in the player's information to be "found".  With Strict Searching DISabled, if any of the words you type match the player information they will be "found".  You probably want this off unless you're getting too many hits when you search.

Finally, also on the Preferences tab, in the Player Detail Fields category, make sure you have the appropriate fields checked for searching:

Suggestions / Re: Error in search
« on: June 07, 2023, 11:45:20 PM »
The "Name" column is constructed from your choice of how to display names, as defined on the Preferences tab (press the Name format button).  As this is not a real field, searching actually occurs on the First name, Last name, and Nickname fields. What do those fields contain?  Also, check the preference "Strict searching".  It might be affecting your search results.

Help Me / Re: Multi Games One Tournament
« on: June 05, 2023, 07:15:17 PM »
Not sure how I missed this one, sorry about that!

The TD was designed to run a single tournament at a time.  To run a second tournament at the same time you'd have to run another copy on another PC.

Help Me / Re: points formula help (again)
« on: June 05, 2023, 07:13:12 PM »
My first thought is that of course it can be done.  But now that I've actually started thinking about it, I don't think so.  Hits/eliminations aren't "ranked" so there's no way to tell (to the formula) the rank of the player who is busted out.  In other words, when computing the points for player A, we know how many hits player A achieved but we don't know the ranks of the players who were player A's victims.  So we can't give different amounts of points for busting out players at different stages of the tournament.  Furthermore, since any player could have multiple hits, we'd have to somehow run each of them through the formula as each could be awarded different point amounts.  That's just a little more advanced than the formula can handle today.

General Discussion / Re: Different buy-ins
« on: June 05, 2023, 07:02:41 PM »
You can adjust the buy-in amount when you buy-in each player.  So even if you set the buy-in at $100 in the Buy-in section on the Game tab, when you buy-in the dealer you can change the amount to $50 for that particular buy-in.  You do this on the actual buy-in window, not on the Game tab.  You leave the amount on the Game tab set at $100, although you could actually do it that way too if you wanted, but I would recommend just adjusting the buy-in amount at time of buy-in.

If you want to get a little fancier you can create a separate buy-in profile for dealers.  Press that big + button next to the Buy-in section on the Game tab.  Then when you buy-in your players and dealers, you don't have to change the buy-in amount, you just select the appropriate profile.

Help Me / Re: Crash during backup
« on: May 10, 2023, 11:07:17 AM »
Sorry this happened to you!  After looking at your saved tournament, I'm afraid it's exactly as I've seen before in other similar cases.  There's simply no data in that file, and so there's nothing that can be recovered.  Unfortunately you'll probably have to recreate the tournament manually by busting players out in the same order.

Help Me / Re: Bounty trigger
« on: May 09, 2023, 01:25:54 PM »
Unfortunately I don't think you can.  The trigger would need to be "A player busts out", but there's no variable that would allow you to determine that the hitman won a specific prize.  In fact most of the variables apply to the player busting out, not the hitman.  I'll have to look into that to see if/how that can be done.

General Discussion / Re: Double Points for the Last Tournament
« on: May 07, 2023, 05:21:12 PM »
By using the Points for Playing field yes, but not from the Stats tab.  That is, the formulas applied on the Stats tab don't (and can't) distinguish one tournament from another.  To those formulas, all of the tournaments are just sort of in one big bucket and don't really have any order.

But you can accumulate points using the Points for Playing formula on the Game tab instead.  That formula allows you to have a different formula per tournament.  Then you just need to increase or double the points awarded on the final tournament.

Help Me / Re: Stats sorting?
« on: May 07, 2023, 05:16:10 PM »
Not currently, except on the Player Rankings screen.  It's on my list to extend that to Players, Database, and Stats tabs.

Help Me / Re: exporting Tournament Winners from a specific season
« on: May 07, 2023, 05:15:32 PM »
Unfortunately I don't think this is possible today.  Handling of multiple tournaments only happens on the Stats tab, and the listing is strictly the list of players found in all of the tournaments.  You'll probably have to generate this list yourself.  If you have a lot of players and/or a lot of tournaments, the easiest way I can think of to do this is to add the "1st" column to the Stats tab (which lists the number of times this player has ranked 1st place), then sort by that column.  If you double-click each player that ranked first and then scroll down to the "Tournaments" section, you can see the rankings the player had at every tournament in which they participated.  It's pretty quick to glance through to find "1st place" rankings.

Suggestions / Re: QR codes for player profiles
« on: May 07, 2023, 04:59:02 PM »
By the way you can actually do this today with just a little addition to your receipt file.  I did a very quick search for a QRCode Javascript implementation and used the first one I found.  Add this to your receipts template:

Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  window.addEventListener("load", e => {
    let q = new QRCode("qrcode", { height: 128, width: 128 });

Then add an element wherever you want your QR code to be displayed:

Code: [Select]
<div id="qrcode"></div>
This one makes a QR code from the player's internal ID, but you could make it whatever you want.  <internalid> is great for using the QR code to lookup a player.  <id> is also probably a good choice for look up, if you use the ID field.

There are options for generating the QR code.  The library is found here:

The only thing that might be an issue is that currently receipts are printed immediately, and sometimes the print action can occur before the page is fully rendered (for example if large images are displayed on the receipt).  So it could be printed before the QR code has time to generate.  I had to rebuild my PC last week and printing is currently not working so I can't test it.  This bug is on my list to have the print action wait for the page to fully render.

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