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Messages - Corey Cooper

Pages: 1 ... 361 362 [363] 364 365 ... 414
Beta Testing / Re: Version 2.3 is available
« on: June 15, 2007, 10:16:01 AM »
By the way, did you ever implement a way to view cumulative points from the stats tab on the tournament page?  If I recall, someone asked about it, but it looked like there was no practical way to accomplish this with a token.

No, haven't done that.  Partly because it's complicated, partly because it wouldn't work unless you ran Stats before the tournament.  That is, it would only have access to the currently generated statistics, so you would have to be sure to run statistics prior to your tournament.  Not a big deal, but undoubtedly it would generate a lot of "it's broken" support requests because of this fact.

Plus, because the stats wouldn't change at all during or even after a tournament (unless you re-ran the stats just after the tournament was over), you can accomplish the same thing by running stats, exporting them to an HTML file, and then including the file in your layout.

I do see the value of doing just that, though: running stats just after the tournament ends and returning to one of the tournament screens and seeing the newly updated stats.  Still on the to-do list...

Beta Testing / Re: Version 2.3 is available
« on: June 15, 2007, 10:12:05 AM »
Bug, dang it.  It's caching it, but it should be caching it with respect to its unique attributes.  And for pointsforplaying, I omitted using the attributes as part of the caching key.  On the to-do list...

Beta Testing / Re: Version 2.3 is available
« on: June 14, 2007, 07:48:51 PM »
Yes, I broke the stats with the last minute addition of the numberofscores variable to the Overall Score formula.  I released version 2.3.1 to fix this just a short while ago.

Beta Testing / Re: Version 2.3 is available
« on: June 14, 2007, 06:49:56 PM »
That appears to be broken.  Seems like it always interprets the first number as 0, so defaults it to 1, so you always get 1 through whatever the second number is.

I've fixed this, and added a "displayRanks" attribute to turn off the display of the rank next to the points.  Should make it easier to do what you are trying to do.

Help Me / Re: Filter help
« on: June 14, 2007, 04:38:13 PM »
Yep, this is a bug in 2.3.  I'll try to release 2.3.1 to fix this problem this evening.

Suggestions / Re: Some questions
« on: June 14, 2007, 11:44:49 AM »
I must admit, I don't quite understand everything you're saying and/or asking.  Don't be offended by that - your English is better than my [insert every other language here].  I'll do my best...

1) Sorry, I don't understand what you are asking.  Can you restate or rephrase this?

2) OK.  I don't think this was a question...

3) I'm not quite sure I understand why you are taking a rake for good hands.  Why would you not simply create a prize that is a % of the pot and award that to the good hand?

4) This is broken, sort of.  Thanks for pointing it out.  By default, the automatic prizes actually uses the "prizeSuggestions.xml" file, and not the "autoPrizes.xml" file, which it should.  That's OK, because those two files are actually the same.  They are both provided so you can edit one without affecting the other.  It's also OK because you can simply change the preferences to use a different file.  So, go to the Preferences tab and press the Config Files button (on the left).  In the "Prizes Configuration Files" section, set the "Automatic prizes file" to the correct file (autoPrizes.xml).

5) Unfortunately not at the moment.

Help Me / Re: Filter help
« on: June 14, 2007, 11:25:35 AM »
Also, use the Info dialog on the Stats tab to determine which tournaments are loaded and which are not.

In version 2.3, you can double-click on a tournament (in the Info dialog) that loaded but was not filtered and see the reason it did not pass the filter (for example, out of the date range, as Phaze suggested).

Beta Testing / Version 2.3 is available
« on: June 13, 2007, 05:19:50 PM »
Version 2.3 has been released.  Here are the latest additions (since version 2.3 beta 2):

  • Added "Select Screen #" to <tdbutton>
  • Exports now set charset to UTF-16 or ISO-8859-1, depending on content
  • Added "numberofscores" (or "s") to Overall Scores formulas, representing a player's number of scores/tournaments
  • Added a Reason on the Tournament Info dialog stating the reason a tournament did not pass the filter
  • Receipts weren't generated for:
    • quick buy-in
    • rebuy after bust-out
    • undo buy-in from context menu (right-click) on Players tab
  • <pointsforplaying> token was broken, and missing a number of new attributes
  • An error was displayed if adding players to the tournament from the Tournament page and the preference to 'allow players who had not bought-in to be seated' was enabled
  • For Overall Scoring, "n" is now set to the number of tournament files that passed the filter (was set to the number of tournament files loaded)
  • Creating table names, sound names, or status message set names with some foreign characters could cause an error.  Items on the Layout tab still cannot use foreign characters; to be fixed in a future version

Download it at

Many thanks to everyone who helped to beta test.  Your input and testing were very helpful and are much appreciated.

Suggestions / Re: Rotate entire Main Screen
« on: June 12, 2007, 06:24:06 PM »
When the TD was first created, there really weren't any options except for rotating text, and only for the case of languages reading left-to-right, top-to-bottom, versus languages reading top-to-bottom, right-to-left... or something to that effect.  Basically, it allowed you to rotate text 90 degrees.

Now you can use Internet Explorer filters, and they work on text and images.  Try this:  In your main, outer column or row, double-click to get the Row/Column Properties.  Press the HTML Styles button.  Create a new style called "filter".  Set the value to: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1).  This will rotate the entire screen 90 degrees.  Change the rotation value to 2 for 180 degrees, or 3 for 270 degrees.

This may have some side effects.  When I tried it with the default layout, the center column of cells suddenly had no background color.  Actually, it appears that they somehow inherited the "transparent" background color of the center column, although they did have background colors set.  I fixed this by simply setting the screen background color.  That might not work for you, or you might experience other side effects.

Help Me / Re: Help with filters
« on: June 12, 2007, 06:07:46 PM »
In response to this, I've added a "reason" on the Tournament Info dialog.  Currently it will tell you why a tournament was not loaded (such as the file was not a valid TD tournament file, or the tournament wasn't complete).  There will be in the next version a "reason" which will tell you why the tournament didn't pass the filter (such as it fell outside of the date range specified in the filter...).

This would have to be implemented as a feature.  Currently <nextbigblind> and <nextsmallblind> always show the blinds of the next round.  But I suppose a switch could be implemented to either display the next round values (as it does today), or display some text if the next level is a break.  I'll put something on the to-do list.

Help Me / Re: Rake in %
« on: June 08, 2007, 10:23:58 AM »
Version 2.3 (currently in beta testing) allows you to set the Fixed Rake as a percentage of the pot.  If you want to try it out, just head over to the Beta Testing forum:

Beta Testing / Re: Version 2.3 Beta 2
« on: June 06, 2007, 01:56:26 PM »
Usually you get into a situation like this if you have to correct something after a tournament is over.  Like say you busted out the wrong player at the end, and the wrong player "won".  So you undo the final bust-out and then bust out the correct player.  If you discover this error and thus correct it hours after the tournament ended, you'll see that the final bust-out (and consequently the end of the tournament) are set to when you performed the bust-out in the software, and not when the actual bust-out occurred.

However, what is strange is that the final bust-out time and the tournament end time were not the same.  They should be.  (Technically, the tournament end happens a few milliseconds later, but that's just for sorting purposes.)  I don't know how they managed to be so far apart in the case of your tournament...

The reason the date "counter" (with increment/decrement buttons) is used instead of allowing you to input a date string is (a) so the value "entered" is always a valid value, and I didn't have to worry about parsing times and dates, issuing error messages when the format is wrong, etc; and (b) because usually when these values need to be adjusted, it is only by seconds or minutes - not hours or days.

Again, not sure what happened in your case, but I think it was a weird, special case.  I doubt you'd ever have to adjust any times by that much again...

Beta Testing / Re: Version 2.3 Beta 2
« on: June 06, 2007, 12:06:44 PM »
Ah, you can't *quite* do that yet.

I eventually want to add to the Overall Score formula access to variables that you would see for a particular player on the Stats page, such as "Rebuys Count", "Average Hits", "Times Placed", etc, etc, etc.  But I wanted to get this feature out so those additional items have not yet been added.

At the moment, the idea is that you'll create a Score for a player for each tournament.  Creating a Score is almost exactly like "Points for Playing" - you've got access to basically everything about that player for that tournament, as well as tournament data.  The Overall Score is some manipulation of those Scores, but you can't pull in other data just yet in computing the Overall Score.

You COULD compute the Score in terms of whether or not the player won and/or whether or not the player finished in the money.  Then use the Overall Score to sum up (or some other calculation of) the player's Scores for each tournament.

So, for example, let's say you wanted a player's Overall Score to be the "(number of money finishes + (number of wins * 3)) * (number of tournaments played / total tournaments)".  I have no idea if this is a good formula to use, I'm just making it up...

To do this, set the Score formula to:

m + if(rank == 1, 3, 0)

Then set the Overall Score formula to:

sum(scores) * (count(scores) / n)


sum(scores) * (s / n)

... after the next beta is released (since s will be automatically set to the number of scores a player has)

If the Overall Score formula had access to a player's statistics, you could just write one Overall Score formula that did the same thing, like this:

(timesPlaced + (first * 3)) * (s / n)

I hope that makes sense.  This is a fairly complicated feature...

Beta Testing / Re: Version 2.3 Beta 2
« on: June 06, 2007, 09:33:48 AM »
Good point.  I've added "numberofscores" and "s" as the number of scores/tournaments a player has played.

And would it be possible to pop up the list of variables when you're entering in the overall score dialog (like is done in the points for playing dialog)?

I'm not sure exactly what you mean.  For Overall Score(s), there is currently only access to the number of tournaments (that passed the filter), and the scores for the particular player.  On the Overall Scores dialog, you can enter values for those items in order to test your formula(s).  Is there something missing?

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